24 August 2005

Blogs are Self-Indulgent

...and so am I.

I motor about College Station with my lil bicycle, and I like doing that a lot. I've decided that riding a bike around urban areas is a lot more difficult than riding a bike around the suburbs, like I was wont to do whilst younger. That's why I have a helmet that cost a little over $100. Don't forget the cute, little night light that fits on the handlebars either. I haven't used that yet, but I'm sure it produces enough wattage to light up a whole neighborhood.

Curiously enough, I almost got ran over. It seems to me that as this campus starts filling up and the start of the new semester draws near, the likelihood of me sustaining some severe injury increases exponentially. On my way back from the rec center, I was waiting at the crosswalk near my duplex, which is at a fairly busy intersection. As I started crossing the street (and I did in fact have the little white walking dude urging me on from the street light), a black Grand Prix very nearly smoted me for all time. It was turning right at a red light. At any rate, he did manage to stop, and I managed to live to tell the frighteningly harrowing story.

Many that know me have heard this story, but I'll preserve it here for posterity anyway. When I was in kindergarten, the bus stop to school was directly across the street from my home. At the beginning of that school year, my mom would walk me across the street every morning. After a week or so though, she was not around to do that, since she works the night shift at the hospital and was not home in the morning. I made friends with an Indian kid down the street, Alpesh. He was about 2 yrs older, I think. At any rate, he was going to help me across the street. Being the shy kid that I was, I was absolutely terrified at the prospect of crossing the street without my mother. This is in the middle of a suburban neighborhood mind you, so my terror was completely unjustified, of course. When I was younger though, I was definitely wont to holding onto my mom's leg whenever strangers were around...and I'd make the cutest pouty face imaginable, or something to that effect. At any rate, Alpesh was nothing but encouraging in his attempts to get me to cross the street. I wouldn't have any of it though. I was pretty stubborn about not crossing. In desperation, he looked back at me and started crossing the street himself, continuing to encourage to come with. All of a sudden, he got knocked to the asphalt by an oncoming female driver. How ironic is it that the person telling me that crossing the street with him would be safe was the one that got run over by a car? Irony of course does not have the same effect on a kindergartener than upon a 22 year old male but oh well. Alpesh's father came running out of his house in tears, and I was in tears myself. Eventually I did get across that street though and onto the bus for another day of kindergarten. Alpesh, meanwhile, got to go to the hospital and spent the rest of that day at home.

I guess it worked out for him now. It's also very strange thinking about the fact that he now smokes a lot of pot.

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