28 November 2006

If I only had a brain...

2. Italo Calvino, Golem, and so much more can be yours if you go to see Stranger than Fiction. I enjoyed seeing Dustin Hoffman reprise a role similar to the one he played in I *heart* Huckabees.
3. I enjoy 1920s era furniture: We've done gone streamline crazy, y'all.
4. I, much like Eddie Albert, am often cast as the friendly, good-natured buddy of the hero.
5. "Fred darling, I'd marry you for your money in an instant."
6. Folk Art is my favorite form of Folk Anything.
7. "Terminal E is far cooler than Terminal C." -- me to a stranger I met at the Houston airport
8. Am I the only person excited about the new Rocky movie?
9. Yay green bean rigamarole!
10. "I was a turmite. I be inside the gueen turmite. It lad eggs, and I be baby turmite one day. I like insects. Would you like to meet my seester?" -- lil kazoo


Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

A new post and I am just notcing now!

I secretly kinda want to see the new Rocky movie too. But only secretly, so don't tell anyone.

T. Ambrose Nazianzus said...

Hey, update your links. I have a new address.