08 June 2006


1. Why is the Jolie-Pitt baby named after Neil Diamond's imaginary friend?


I miss the Ultimate Warrior. Why is it that what seemed awesome when I was little, seems ridiculously silly today?

3. In my lab we use a femtosecond laser. It produces a pulse of photons every 10^-12 seconds, so it deposits energy like Dhalsim from Street Figher II (in extremely fast, short bursts). In the experiments that we are running now, the laser interacts with a beam of hydrogen ions. In order to test the intensity of the laser before running an experiment, the professor intends on focusing the beam such that it turns a small spot of air in the room into a plasma which turns into a visible and audible spark.

I cannot wait for that.

4. The dead, creepy treen in my front lawn was cut down yesterday. I was extremely saddened to come home only to find the once friendly sight now strewn about the yard.

1 comment:

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

I too miss The Ultimate Warrior...did you ever take the quiz to find out just how true of a Warrior fan you were?