30 August 2007

10 things

!. I finally have a research advisor and should be ready to defend my master's thesis by this time next year.
2. I have approximately two semesters of classes left, including this one.
3. I would like a subscription to Scientific American. After reading the previous issue on obesity and undernourishment, I feel like some kind of friggin' expert.
4. Time to go puppy shopping!
5. GK: …….after a message from Bebopareebop Rhubarb Pie and frozen pie filling.
6. "I lost my contact! But it's ok because I still won the spelling bee."
7. It was good to get back to "America's Roller Coast."
8. Where's an egg?
9. I have a new cellphone and approximately one and one-third of an old cellphone.
10. Favoriddddddsssss!