I guess I haven't written anything in quite some time. Here's a rundown of some stuff I've been up to as of late.
1. I've been watching The Venture Bros. on DVD.
2. I'm following Major League Baseball extraordinarily close and hoping to move up in the vaunted TAMU Physics Fantasy Baseball League. I'm currently mired in place 8 of 10, but I'll be sure to wheel and deal my way up to the top.
3. I was in Bloomington, IN last weekend to see Beth and got to see the Little 500 bike race. I now want a sleek, light road bike more than ever. As an aside, if you've ever seen the movie Breaking Away or are from Bloomington, you may be interested to know that the Cutters team won. Team Cinzano was there in full-force as well and had a respectable finish.
4. I've recently purchased new NIN and new Bloc Party albums. They're both hot.
5. When flying to Indiana last weekend, I had the pleasure of sitting with two drunk 40 year olds on their way back home from vacationing in Cancun. Their names are Steve and Jim, both divorced. Jim was just recently divorced and is currently staying with Steve until he gets his bearings, as it were. I suppose they took the trip to Cancun to clear their heads...or actually to do the exact opposite of that. At any rate, Jim used to work for his ex-father-in-law. As is wont to happen, after divorcing his daughter, the father-in-law summarily fired Jim and tried to stiff him of his last paycheck and some severence pay. He also tried to make him pay for the nine year old BMW he had given Jim, but instead Jim told him to fuck off. After some court dates, Jim managed to get a nice $10,000 payday from his ex-father-in-law. Good for him. But the icing on the proverbial cake is yet to come. Jim has been talking to his ex-father-in-law's brother, who owns a competing business and does not get along with his brother too well. Jim and the brother are working on an arrangement to buy out the ex-father-in-law's company.
Now how's that for some Dynasty shit for you?
The plane ride was extremely amusing because the two of them were imbibing in alcoholic drinks for the entirety of the two and a half hour plane ride. So of course, the two of them were crass, rude, and hilarious towards everyone around them. I'm fairly certain that the ladies seated around us and the various female flight attendants are still in trauma over the delightful affair.